Root Canal Treatment: Everything You Need to Know About It

A Lady Getting Root Canal Treatment
Root Canal Treatment: Everything You Need to Know About It


Many patients have heard of a root canal but you may not be sure exactly what it is or if you need one.

The idea of a root canal evokes a huge fear of pain in many patients. While a root canal can sound scary at first, it is a pain-relieving treatment that can vastly improve your oral health.

What exactly is a root canal treatment and do you need one?

Read on to find out everything you need to know about root canals.

What is a Root Canal?

When a tooth is badly infected or decayed, its pulp will become painful and irritated. While this often happens due to decay from infection, it can also happen as a result of direct trauma to the face.

Once the tooth’s pulp and nerve are affected, dental intervention is a must. A Root Canals is a common procedure used to clean and seal the tooth. The basic steps of a root canal involve:

  • Cleaning and prepping the mouth
  • Numbing the area
  • Removing the damaged pulp from the tooth
  • Cleaning and decontaminating the canal
  • Applying a filling or crown to keep the tooth strong

Root canals can usually be completed in just one appointment. Very large infections or curved canals may require an additional appointment to treat.

Who Needs a Root Canal?

Injured or infected pulp cannot heal itself, and it will eventually die. When bacteria enter the pulp it will cause infection in the bone, which may cause a person to completely lose their tooth.

A root canal is an effective way to preserve a tooth with damaged pulp. It can save the tooth and eliminate your pain.

The following signs indicate that you may have damaged pulp and require a root canal treatment:

  • Long-lasting tooth sensitivity, especially to hot and cold
  • Gum pimples
  • Cracked or chipped tooth
  • Painful, swollen gums
  • Darkened gums that indicate decay
  • Pain when biting or chewing


Root Canal Treatment in Quincy and Norwell

Root canals are not nearly as frightening as they may seem. By taking care of the teeth following a root canal, many people can immediately return to activity and may only experience mild sensitivity for a few days after the procedure.

If you have damage or infection in your tooth, a root canal may be for you. Our team here at Advanced Dental Arts is here to help you determine if a root canal can help you. Schedule your appointment today by on the yellow button at the top!